Acceptance and preventive maintenance testing of transformers
Acceptance testing of a power circuit breaker
Acceptance testing of capacitor voltage transformers
Acceptance testing of dead tank power circuit breakers with BCTs and disconnect switches
Acceptance testing of power circuit breakers, disconnect switches, and current transformers
Acceptance testing of substation and line disconnect switches
Automation and integration of substations through SCADA using radio and fiber optic links with power transformer banks and distribution feeders
Calibration and testing of protection relays and preventive maintenance services and testing of substation equipment
Capacitance test of power transformer bushings
Comprehensive technical audit of ALECO substations
Comprehensive testing of high voltage substation equipment of generator
Comprehensive testing of single and multi-core current and potential transformers for Power Barge
Conceptual design and technical specifications of customer-owned substation
Design of the electrical system of the new NOVA Foundation Training Center
Electrical System Compliance Audit
Electrical Testing
Emergency Generator Assessment
Factory acceptance testing of protection and control panels
Functional and accuracy testing of Hitachi electro-mechanical generator relays of turbine generator unit
Functional and accuracy testing of multi-functional and single-function generator protection relays of generator units and other relays
Functional and accuracy testing of multi-functional protection relays
Illumination Testing
Implemented a new design scheme to separate the differential relay from the generator relay to ensure reliability in operation and flexibility in maintenance
Installation and integration of CCTV and Vehicle Tracking System (VTS) into the SCADA system
Installation of remote terminal units of the electric cooperative's power substations and integration into the SCADA system
installation of various discrete digital input/output modules, statistical meters, protection and auxiliary relays, sensors, clocks and other related accessories
Installation, testing and commissioning of a SCADA Master Station, multifunctional microprocessor-based relay and one feeder protection relay for generator unit
Insulation power factor test and winding test of power transformers
Integration of the existing geographical information system (GIS) into the SCADA system
Line impedance testing of transmission lines
Performed functionality and accuracy testing of the relays
Power quality analysis of substation
Power Quality Assessment
Power system studies (short-circuit calculation and system protection coordination)
Protection and control panel wiring and assembly
Preventive maintenance testing of protection relays, substations, automatic voltage regulators, bushing current transformers and current transformers, Cogen switchgear and Substation, high voltage substation equipment, medium-voltage switchgear equipment of generator, one substation including repair of power transformer, power house and switchgear, power transformers and substation ground grid integrity testing
Recommended new settings of protection relays in accordance with the sensitivity requirements of the Philippine Grid Code
Replacement of electromechanical protection relays with microprocessor-based protection relays
Replacement of solid-state relays with multifunctional microprocessor-based relays
Simulation of the protection systems operation of the power barges and the switching substation through end-to-end testing
Special testing using sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA) and dielectric response analysis (DIRANA) of the following power transformers of generator unit
Supply of expertise, labor, tools and equipment including personal protective equipment to conduct:
Acceptance testing (ratio test) of Bushing Current Transformers (BCT)
Acceptance testing of SEL generator protection relays, disconnect switches, power transformer, high voltage and switchyard equipment
Accuracy testing and calibration of SEL-487E relay
Accuracy testing of CT units PT Units & Current Transformers and Potential Transformers
Accuracy/functional testing of protective relays, MiCOM ALSTOM relay, SEL relay through primary current injection test (PCIT), contact resistance test on 12 kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers
Annual preventive maintenance services and testing of substation equipment
Annual preventive maintenance testing of power transformers and ground grid integrity test
Annunciator panel wiring and assembly and site installation, integration, programming and testing and commissioning of annunciator panel
Cable laying and termination of serial, LAN and hard copper multi-core cables to effect the installation of Power System Real Time Digital Simulator
Calibration and functional testing of MiCOM P632 multi-function protective relay, protection relays, circuit breakers, functionality testing of air circuit breakers thru primary current injection.
Calibration and testing of SEL 300G relay & transducer.
Calibration/functional testing of General Electric generator, transformer protection relays, SEL 487E and GE Protection relays (T60 & F35) protection relays.
Commissioning test of 1 - unit 4000A, 480V, 4 - units 1600A, 480V and 3 - units 1200A 480 circuit breakers
Complete functional testing of 460V ABB Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) and different protections on multifunction relays integrated to the ACBs
Complete testing of power transformers
Comprehensive preventive maintenance services (PMS) and testing of power transformer and load break switch, Substation, testing of instrument transformers.
Configuration and testing of Real Time Automation Controller
Contact resistance test of disconnect switches & 69 kV SF6 power circuit breaker
Current injection to braided connectors
Design of generator set synchronizing panel
Dissolved gas analysis (DGA) of power transformers
Due diligence technical audit of all substation equipment
end-to-end testing of NARI and SEFANG M1 & M2 protective relays
Extraction from the existing identical relay and programming, setting and calibration and functional testing of SPARE MiCOM P632 multi-function protective relay
Functional testing and calibration of protective relays, SEL 787 relay and accuracy testing of meters
Functional testing generator and transformer protection
Functional/accuracy testing and commissioning of Woodward 3000XT protective relay
Generator and protection panel assembly, FAT, site installation and testing and commissioning
Installation and testing and commissioning of SEL - 751A
Installation and testing and commissioning of SATEC meters
Installation of protection and battery panels
Insulation resistance test, insulation power factor test, vacuum integrity test and millivolt drop test of vacuum circuit breakers and vacuum contactors
line impedance measurement
Metering panel wiring, assembly, field wiring integration/configuration and testing and commissioning of SCADA metering panel
Panel wiring and assembly and FAT and site installation including retirement of existing panels and programming/setting and testing & commissioning of protection panels
Panel wiring and assembly and site installation programming and commissioning of protection panels
Power Quality (PQ) monitoring and analysis with recommendation of the feeders, preventive maintenance services including corrective actions.
Power system study and electrical power system upgrade
Pre-commissioning test of disconnect switches and Timing Test of Additional Disconnect Switches (Plus Re-test of 1 Unit), Secondary Current Injection of VTs and CTs and SF6 CB Trip Simulation and Programming and Testing of Power Meters
Preventive maintenance and testing of ACB units, air circuit breakers, MCA switchboard including its components, calibration/functional testing of protective relays, 40 MVA power transformer, 69 kV Oil Circuit Breaker bushing CT, instrument transformers, LVSG molded case circuit breakers, main power transformer, Merlin Gerin air circuit breaker (ACB) protective devices, Siemens SPS2 72.5 kV SF6 Circuit Breakers, substation equipment, substation facilities at 40 MVA 69 kV Substation, substation switchyard equipment, switchgear equipment, power transformer, substation equipment at 40 MVA, 69 kV Substation
Programming, setting review and testing and commissioning of SEL relays and Real Time Automation Controller (RTAC)
Protection and control panel assembly and Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) for protection and control panel
Protection panel wiring, assembly and FAT of protection and control panels, including site installation, programming and testing and commissioning of SCADA RTU and devices and panel to panel interconnection
Re-calculation of protective device settings including protection coordination and end-to-end testing of SEL 311L line current differential protection relays
Reconfiguration and testing of SEL relays
Relay primary current injection and testing of current transformers
Resetting and functionality testing of protective relays
Resetting and testing of SEL 311C and SEL 351A protective relays
Re-installation/retrofitting of panel and wiring, installaton and testing and commissioning and integration of new modular sequence event recording (SER) equipment
Re-termination of cables, installation of labels and terminal lugs and trimming of control wires
Retrofitting and field wiring integration / configuration, installation of power meters, testing and commissioning of SEL-700G, ABB DTN920 with SEL-787 relay, interlocking relays (mimic Board), meter, SEL 700G protection relays at existing panel and testing and commissioning, SEL 751 and SEL -751A relays.
Retrofitting and integration of paperless monitoring and logging system
Retrofitting, configuration / programming and testing and commissioning of SEL generator and transformer protection relays, SEL 351 protective relay, calibration testing and commissioning of functional test of SEL 351A protective relay, SCADA upgraded Remote Terminal Units Input/Output Controller for the existing RTUs.
Retrofitting/replacement of SATEC PM 180 Power Quality Analyzer module
Ripple testing of on-load tap changer
Scope of Works for protection, control panels and SAS panels
Secondary current injection testing of SWGR , SATEC meter and Bitronics meters
Secondary injection of low voltage power circuit breakers and primary injection of molded case circuit breakers
Secondary injection testing of 4-units each of Siemens protective relay and circuit breakers (with 1-additional unit)
Setting / configuration / programming and calibration and functional testing of protective relay
Setting and end-to-end testing of SEL 411L and SEL 311C including preparation of program/logic
SFRA testing of generator rotor.
Short circuit study
Site acceptance testing and commissioning including assistance during the commissioning activities of power plant motors including additional MV SWGR Protection relay test for damaged items and MCC functional test
Site acceptance testing and commissioning of FGD MVSG, FGD Transformer, FGD LV SWGR/MCC and FGD PDP (for lighting, UPS and DC) with ADDITIONAL testing of transformers and CTs, SEL line protection relays and TMI Switchyard, SIFANG and NARI protective relays.
Site acceptance testing for 2500kVA/3125kVA, ONAF 3-Phase, 34.5 kV Primary, 400Y/230V Secondary Delta-Wye, FR3 Envirotemp Fluid, Conservator Type, B & D power transformers
Site acceptance testing of current transformers, 230 kV capacitive voltage transformers, capacitor coupling transformer.
Site installation, configuration and testing and commissioning of protection relays and meters and line measurement of 2-circuits
Site installation, testing and commissioning of protection relays for the replacement of redundant protection systems for the generator, generator step up (GSU) transformer and auxiliary unit transformer (AUT)
Site preventive maintenance and testing of SF6 circuit breaker
Site testing of 145 kV substation equipment & capacitor coupling voltage transformers.
Special test (Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) for power transformer
Special testing (Dielectric Response Analysis) of power transformers
Supervision, testing and calibration of electrical protection relays GN Power
Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (FRAnalyzer) of power transformer, single phase power transformer, generator.
Synchronized current injection of current transformers for the differential relay functional testing
Testing and commissioning of generator relay and protective relays
Testing of 40 MVA power transformer, 2 sets of SF6 CB and 2 units of SEL 700G relays and ground grid integrity test and additional insulation resistance testing of 24 kV and 69 kV transmission line, 4.16 kV switchgear multi-function protection relays, bushing CT of 230 kV power circuit breakers, electrical facilities, MCCB, potential transformers and surge arresters, power cables and load testing of main breaker, power transformers including Sweep Frequency Response Analysis, SF6 gas circuit breaker, XLPE cable.
Testing 69 kV CTs & SEL-700G generator relays
The rehabilitation of controls and switchgear
The required current injection and insulation resistance testing of one unit circuit breaker
Thermographic scanning of main distribution panels and validation of compliance
Timing, pick-up and motion/travel testing of 34.5 kV vacuum circuit breakers
Transformer impedance testing
Trip test and timing test of identical units 13.8 kV VCBs
Troubleshooting of ATS
Troubleshooting, programming and testing of SEL protective relays
Ultra-sonic detection test of substation equipmentand calibration/functionality test of protective relays
Upgrading of SCADA system
Wiring, installation, testing and commissioning of protection relays and meter panels
Wiring, retrofitting/installation, testing and commissioning of SEL-751A protection relays and SATEC PM130 meters
Supply of pre-wired protection panels and battery charger panels
Sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA) of a power transformer
Synchronization of emergency and standby generators
Testing and calibration of multi-functional and single-function generator protection relays of generator units and other relays
Testing and commissioning of various protection relays for power barges and the switching substation
Testing of oil circuit breakers, current and potential transformers
Testing of protection relays
Testing of various protection relays - generator, differential, arc-flash, and feeder protection relays
Thermographic Scanning
Upgrade of protection panels including design and wiring check
Upgraded the protection relays of a generator unit
Vector jump testing of protection relays & Terberg Control Systems relay